The subconscious knows all about you and your life, past, present and future, and there is a unique way that it can communicate with you through the universal language of symbolism.
This amazing store of information about you is just waiting for you to communicate with it. Linda discovered this technique many years ago and has been refining it and working on it with countless clients ever since and now she is ready to share it with you and teach how, just with the Linda Bullock Technique (LBT) you can change your life.
It is a very practical tool for either self help or ideal as an extra tool for Counsellors and people working in the talking therapies or it can stand alone as a therapy.
Tried and tested by many psychologists and counsellors with beilliant results, it not only allows people to analyse their own lives or their client’s lives, without having to open up and relive emotional and painful problems and experiences from the past, but it can also empower a person to change any aspect of themselves and their lives when used as a transformation tool.
To register your interest in seminars and training or to book a one to one sitting – contact me – CLICK HERE
Auf Deutsch (in German)
Das Unterbewusstsein weiß alles über Sie und Ihr Leben, die Vergangenheit, die Gegenwart und die Zukunft, und es gibt einen einzigartigen Weg, wie es mit Ihnen durch die universelle Sprache der Symbolik kommunizieren kann.
Dieser erstaunliche Schatz an Informationen über Sie wartet nur darauf, dass Sie mit ihm kommunizieren. Linda entdeckte diese Technik vor vielen Jahren und hat sie seitdem verfeinert und mit zahllosen Klienten bearbeitet. Jetzt ist sie bereit, sie mit Ihnen zu teilen und zu lehren, wie Sie allein mit der Linda-Bullock-Technik (LBT) Ihr Leben verändern können.
Es ist ein sehr praktisches Hilfsmittel zur Selbsthilfe, ideal als zusätzliches Hilfsmittel für Berater und Menschen, die in der Gesprächstherapie arbeiten, oder es kann als eigenständige Therapie eingesetzt werden.
Es wurde von vielen Psychologen und Beratern mit hervorragenden Ergebnissen erprobt und ermöglicht es nicht nur, das eigene Leben oder das ihrer Klienten zu analysieren, ohne sich zu öffnen und emotionale und schmerzhafte Probleme und Erfahrungen aus der Vergangenheit erneut zu durchleben, sondern es kann eine Person auch befähigen, jeden Aspekt von sich selbst und ihrem Leben zu verändern, wenn es als Transformationswerkzeug eingesetzt wird.
Um Ihr Interesse an Seminaren und Schulungen anzumelden oder um eine Einzelsitzung zu buchen kontaktieren sie mich – KLICKEN SIE HIER
En Français (in French)
Le subconscient sait tout de vous et de votre vie, passée, présente et future, et il existe un moyen unique de communiquer avec vous par le biais du langage universel du symbolisme.
Cet incroyable réservoir d’informations sur vous n’attend que vous pour communiquer avec lui. Linda a découvert cette technique il y a de nombreuses années et l’a affinée et travaillée avec d’innombrables clients depuis lors. Aujourd’hui, elle est prête à la partager avec vous et à vous enseigner comment, grâce à la Technique Linda Bullock (LBT), vous pouvez changer votre vie.
Il s’agit d’un outil très pratique pour l’auto-assistance ou d’un outil supplémentaire idéal pour les conseillers et les personnes travaillant dans le domaine des thérapies par la parole, ou encore d’une thérapie à part entière.
Testé par de nombreux psychologues et conseillers avec de brillants résultats, il permet non seulement d’analyser sa propre vie ou celle de ses clients, sans avoir à s’ouvrir et à revivre des problèmes et des expériences émotionnelles et douloureuses du passé, mais il peut également permettre à une personne de changer n’importe quel aspect d’elle-même et de sa vie lorsqu’il est utilisé comme un outil de transformation.
Pour faire part de votre intérêt pour les séminaires et les formations ou pour réserver une séance individuelle, veuillez contacter contactez moi – CLICKUEZ ICI

“Thanks for your passion, your technique, your care and for answering all my questions and for helping me where other therapies have failed.”
Helen G. from Southern England
“The Linda Bullock Technique has transformed my life. I have learned to say ‘no’ and not feel guilty. It has given me confidence and encouraged me to believe in myself. I would recommend it to anyone who wants the same.”
Joanne A. from Sunderland, England
About Linda...

Way back in 1981 when Linda first started work on what would eventually be called ‘The Linda Bullock Technique™’ she simply could not have known the implications of just how powerful and important it would be. Not just for her, but for the people and lives of everyone it touches.
Linda developed The Linda Bullock Technique™ (LBT) originally as a way of trying to make sense of her own life. She was happily married from her early 20’s and had her daughter when she was 30. Together with her husband, Linda has run several business’s in the hospitality industry. But throughout her Life Linda has not just been an active doer, but also a deep thinker about the meaning of life and with a huge passion for helping others.
Originally Linda developed the LBT as a way of analysing and managing her own life. But she soon realised she had discovered something so fundamentally powerful and effective that she had to share it with her friends and family too. Her realisation was that by conscious manipulation of the subconscious mind, like tinkering with the software of a computer, she could change her life and the lives of those around her in positive and empowering ways.
Over the years she has tried to explain it to others, but with nothing else, no other method to compare it too, she has come to realise that the best and the most effective way to understand her technique is to experience it. From her own experience she knows that people who actually do her method notice results sometimes immediately, and other times their lives improve dramatically over the following days, weeks and months
In recent years, having retired from the hospitality industry Linda had more time to explore the LBT more and began a dialogue with a psychologist who had immediately seen its potential and started working the method very successfully with his own clients. The feedback Linda got from the psychologist was so positive that she felt encouraged to develop a formal structure for the LBT in the form of 3 distinct elements. Levels 1 and 2 which are an introduction to the method and are for self help. Level 2 Advanced to discover even more of the techniques capabilities and Level 3 full training for practitioners. Linda has taught her method all over the UK and also in Switzerland, Germany and Austria where there is a particularly strong understanding of its effectiveness.
Even when Linda has tried to describe the LBT to others as working with the ‘subconscious’ mind, people often assume she means the ‘unconscious’ mind, as though it is something that is impossible to influence. But through the LBT Linda knows this not to be the case. She knows that the subconscious mind holds the keys to every life experience; past, present and future. And her breakthrough is that she has discovered the ‘language’ of the subconscious mind, and she can teach that language and how to communicate with it. Linda likens it to having the keys to the magic kingdom, only in this case, it’s the ‘Keys to the Kingdom of Your Mind’.
Sue C. from Paignton, UK
Jan C. from Lincolnshire, UK
“Linda’s technique is rather special as it helps the ‘inner you’ deal with difficulties without being emotional or having to revisit the problem. The ‘inner you’ takes positive and practical steps to help overcome the difficulty and it’s very powerful. It has an immediate effect and carries on working in a way that I have never experienced before. Thank you Linda.”
Jan C. from Sleaford, England
“In 1991 my Mum was suffering with cancer. I prayed for her suffering to end and she died soon after. Since then I have felt guilty, as I thought my prayer had killed her. After using The Linda Bullock Technique I have finally come to terms with my Mother’s death and I have realised my prayers did not kill her. I feel so much better about myself and my situation. I just wish I had known about Linda’s technique years ago.”
Jeanette P. from Consett, England
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